Today has been utterly exhausting, but that’s a good thing! I woke up at 7am this morning and was surprised I got up so early on my own. I headed down to continental breakfast and some people were there to my surprise. I figured no one would be up so early, so I brought my kindle just in case. We talked and laughed about the previous night’s events and then I headed up to the room for a while and got ready. I eventually went to explore the city with a group of six, and our first stop was the Notre Dame. I hadn’t been to this part of town, so I was excited to see and experience something new. Notre Dame was beautiful and Paris is beautiful in general. I cannot get over it. Every time I walk outside the metro, I am mesmerized by Paris’s beauty over and over again! I am in love with Paris!
Notre Dame was amazing. It’s so big and architecturally beautiful. I can’t describe it. We didn’t go inside because of the wait and having to pay, but I enjoyed the view from outside. I did a little shopping and then ate a hot dog with cheese and a baguette; it was yummy! We then randomly saw an inside out museum meaning all the pipes and such were on the outside. We just walked around outside (again not paying money and going inside).
We then headed to Sacre Coeur, which was GORGEOUS and AMAZING!! It is a beautiful church on a hill that overlooks the entire city of Paris. It was an incredible view. It was so weird to see the city from that point of view because it hasn’t sunk in that I have been in that city the past few days. I can’t describe the feeling. A few of us wanted to see the view from the top of the tower, but it was closed unfortunately. I was exhausted at this point but decided to go the Galeries Lafayette, a seven-story mall with a beautiful, intricate dome. It was full of expensive clothes and tons of other things. I wish I had a lot of money to have done some real shopping there!
We then headed back, and I am so tired right now. From what I’ve heard, everyone wants a low key night. I am fine with that because we have to be ready by 9am tomorrow. We are going to the Musee d’Orsay tomorrow and are having lunch there!
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