Monday, May 23, 2011

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Hello everyone!

This is my first post in my first blog. I am blogging about my experiences in France this summer while I study abroad May 27-July 8th. I can't believe I am leaving so soon, and I am counting down the days (4 days to go!). I am leaving from the Charlotte airport Friday evening and will arrive in Paris on Saturday morning. I will be in Paris for a few days, then in Normandy, and finally arrive at my final destination: Lille, France. I will take a French language course and an elective, French Art and Society. I have already been emailed my readings for the elective, so I need to start reading ahead. We will see if that happens...

I think this study abroad experience will be even more special because I won't be experiencing France with my fellow N.C. State students, but with students from all over the world through the European Summer Program. I am so excited to get to know people from other cultures.

Overall, I am extremely excited to go to France. It has been a dream of mine ever since high school, and I know I am going to have a blast. I will try to update my blog as often as possible!

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